AI Sales Assistant

Publicado el 18/01/2024 15:09; Actualizado el 22/02/2024 13:06

Watch an example video of how the AI assistant works

AI Sales Assistant solves the following problems: A lot of requests/few deals or bookings, incorrect classification of customers, loss of customers , not entering data into CRM, working with clients after hours... See below:

Has the capacity to work with thousands of leads. Saves agents’ time. Sellers/agents focus on the main aims, and not on the work with initial requests.
Communicates with clients like a real person (whatsapp, email, etc.)
Classifies, marks the idle customers and selects the most potential ones. Prioritizes them.
It doesn't forget to ask all the right/necessary questions.
Selects itself the properties and makes the appointments.
Helps to make the primary selection of suitable properties and schedules the appointment with the agent.
Does not lose customers, reminds of itself… Sends the data to the CRM.
Keeps in touch with customers. It reminds them about the company and the properties that have been offered.

How it works?

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Autor: Redacción de Housage
IA asistente para el equipo de ventas
Artículo anterior
Permuta de viviendas: así es cómo funciona
Artículo siguiente


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